Our Programs
CHOICE is dedicated to ensuring that individuals and communities throughout the greater Philadelphia area have access to accurate information and essential services concerning reproductive, sexual and family health. We operate five free and confidential hotlines, staffed by trained professionals, offering individualized support, referrals, and short-term counseling, as well as community education, training, and outreach programs to raise public awareness and increase knowledge around reproductive and sexual health issues. CHOICE maintains a unique database of over 714 agencies operating 1,027 sites/programs throughout the Pennsylvania region, and regularly communicates with our referral network – both to ensure we are referring individuals to accessible, high quality providers and to offer our providers/partners confidential caller feedback on exemplary services and service gaps. Our primary focus is to empower individuals to become informed health care consumers, so they can understand their full range of options and can advocate for the reproductive and sexual health care services that best meet their unique individual needs.

CHOICE – 215.985.3300
PA HIV/AIDS Factline – 800.662.6080
Maternal/Child Health – 215.985.3301

need2know? Text askchoice to 66746 for questions about birth control, getting tested, protecting yourself…
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Interested in a reproductive and sexual health training for your school or workplace?
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CHOICE raises public awareness about sexual health issues through many types of outreach.
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In addition to our hotlines, text messaging, education, and outreach, CHOICE partners with other agencies and community based organizations to provide the following.
Consumer Feedbacks
Mystery Shopper Calls
Service Access Calls
CHOICE assists social service agencies, city agencies, and other partners respond to and track inquiries associated with various public awareness and outreach campaigns focused on reproductive and sexual health care. CHOICE is able to ensure that caller inquiries remain anonymous and are handled by experienced, specially-trained counselors. We are also able to track a range of call data including source (i.e., internet, radio, or billboard advertisements), caller demographics (such as age, race, zip code), and call time, duration, and volume.
Health Resource Centers (HRC)
Under the direction of the Family Planning Council, CHOICE is currently operating two Health Resource Centers in Philadelphia public schools. Our first HRC, located at Roxborough High School opened in the 2011-2012 school year, and in 2012-2013, CHOICE began operating its second HRC at Benjamin Franklin High School. Health Resource Centers provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to make responsible choices about their reproductive/sexual health and relationships. The goals of the HRC are: (1) provide education and counseling that encourage critical thinking around sexual activity; (2) promote and help build positive and healthy attitudes towards safer sex and consistent condom use; (3) reduce the rates of unintended pregnancies; (4) reduce the rates and STD and HIV infections; and (5) referrals for all reproductive/sexual healthcare. Located in a designated classroom within each school, the HRC is staffed by a CHOICE counselor with specialized training in sexual health, community education, and working with adolescents.
‘iknow’ (877-98-IKNOW)
In 2012, CHOICE began partnering with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia on its citywide “iknow” campaign. The ‘iknow’ campaign is a public health and community relations initiative to encourage youth in the Philadelphia area to get tested for sexually transmitted infections. CHOICE is managing the “iknow” (877-98-IKNOW) Hotline so that callers can receive accurate information and education regarding reproductive and sexual health, including HIV and testing options. The hotline number will be marketed on social media including: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; and Pinsterest.
As part of its commitment to ensuring a full range of reproductive and sexual health care options and services to all individuals regardless of economic status, gender, age, race, religion, culture, or sexual orientation, CHOICE participates in select advocacy campaigns and broad-based coalitions. Recent advocacy work has included:
The Philadelphia Anti-Trafficking Coalition (PATC)
Hannah, a CHOICE hotline counselor, received a call at 7 pm on Tuesday on the State HIV/AIDS Factline. The caller, from Pittsburgh, had just been released from prison – where he had been diagnosed with HIV and was receiving treatment. Now that he was out, he had a few numbers to call for services but had been unable to get through to any of them. Hannah listened to his concerns, let him know the exact steps he would need to take to receive care, and told him to call back if he had any difficulty reaching providers the next day. He expressed gratitude not just for the detailed information, but for the time that Hannah spent with him. He mentioned that it was “just nice to talk to someone,” and that she was the first person who really seemed to care.
What People are Saying
You were very patient— you took time to answer all of my questions. You really broke it down for me.Caller, CHOICE Hotline
It’s never an easy feat to strike just the right notes when discussing these kinds of subjects with early adolescents. Your presentation made it look easy.Student Services Specialist, CEP Hunting Park
I didn’t even know what I was going to get when I called this number, but I was very satisfied.Caller, CHOICE Hotline
I learned to be safe if I decided to have sex. Also, how to have respect for myself.Student, Philadelphia Middle School